News, Technology

The Top Disruptive Technologies You Need to Be Aware Of in 2022

Top Disruptive Technologies in UAE

3D printing

Although we don’t have matter replicators as seen in Star Trek, 3D printing can be a great start. We can “print” many objects with the right equipment, software, as well as raw material. This chart shows how 3D printing is growing and where it is projected to go.


3D printing allows people to create the products they need in their own homes, which could lead to disruptions in mass production and goods transport.

5G and Improved Connectivity

The fifth-generation mobile connectivity offers greater speed and better video streaming. Remote working will become more feasible with the improved speed. This is because it works with older protocols, has better global connectivity, offers more bandwidth, video capacity, and tighter security controls. As mobile networking continues to evolve, there will be many opportunities.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

AI is already an integral part of our daily lives. However, it still has a long way to go before it reaches its full potential in terms of both capabilities and ubiquity. Artificial intelligence is still a far cry from its potential in customer service, although it has made significant progress.

Artificial intelligence allows businesses to better understand human behavior and habits, and predict what the next big thing will be. AI advancements result in more sophisticated algorithms that allow marketers to adapt to new markets.

These benefits make AI a technology field that could explode into a multitrillion-dollar industry.

Machine learning and artificial intelligence are significant contributors to robotics and automation, which in turn leads to:

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Automation and Robotics

The rise of self-driving cars, drones, and robots in manufacturing is only the beginning. Already gigabytes worth of text have been written about robotics’ disruptive impact on the workforce. It replaces humans with more reliable, cheaper machines. There are dire predictions about massive unemployment following a machine-takeover. This article states that robots and artificial intelligence will require the retraining of more than 120 million workers worldwide in the coming years.

Although there will be some attrition within the workforce, it is not as dire as the prophets of doom would like you to believe. There are more skilled professionals needed to program and maintain robots and automated systems. These jobs are more lucrative than the simple, repetitive work of assembly-line grunt.

The unique needs of our COVID-filled society and modern society demonstrate the potential utility of robots in providing care for elderly people in assisted living settings. Robots are immune to infection and do not spread disease, which reduces the risks to both patients and caregivers. Drones are capable of delivering medication and other supplies via contactless.

Cyber Security Advances

Cybercriminals are able to carry out their criminal activities anywhere people gather. Cybercriminals are even worse because they have taken advantage of the coronavirus crisis for their own ends.

Cyber security has made significant advances to combat these threats. Cyber security experts are able to design better firewalls, intrusion detection tools, and other solutions thanks to advances in AI and machine-learning.

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Cybercriminals will feel the effects of this disruptive technology’s advancements, which is a good thing.

Edge Computing

We had huge computers that were connected to dumb terminals during the mainframe age. This model evolved into the client/server model. We now have the cloud. We have seen a new model emerge as we move from one model to the next.

One of the most disruptive technologies within IT is edge computing. It is a way to automate your journey to cloud-like computing power, while minimizing latency. It is not about eliminating the cloud, but rather bringing it closer.

Edge computing is faster, more secure, and offers greater bandwidth. Edge computing will continue to disrupt larger cloud providers and shift more control to companies who are more skilled at its implementation.

Virtual and Augmented Reality

Virtual reality (VR) is when a user is placed in a computer-generated setting. Augmented reality (AR) is when a user wears glasses or a headset and sees computer-generated images projected onto the field of vision. They make up the extended reality (XR) field.

The use of VR and AR will have a significant impact on the education and healthcare sectors. VR is able to conduct medical examinations and diagnoses. VR can be used to help in overcrowded classrooms and situations where students need to learn at home (there’s the coronavirus again).

The XR method could revolutionize, i.e., displace, existing methods of education and medical practice.

Headless Tech

This has nothing to do decapitation. This technology allows businesses to separate their front-end user interface and back-end ecommerce data. You’re using headless technology if you tell Amazon Alexa to buy and send you the latest Stephen King novel.

Since 86% of respondents said that customer acquisition costs are increasing, ecommerce needs to find cost-effective ways to attract and keep customers. Headless tech could be a game-changer for customers, offering a more engaging and less time-consuming shopping experience.

This trend will soon become mainstream and businesses will have to scramble to adopt headless tech. Is headless tech making traditional ecommerce purchasing methods obsolete

The Rise of “As a Service” Computing

Since a long time, this computing model has been around. We have software-as-a-service (SaaS), infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), and platform-as-a-service (PaaS). These on-demand, cloud-based platforms have revolutionized IT. You don’t need to buy physical copies of video games or word processing utilities when you can get it through a cloud subscription. Zoom is another example of a program that has gained worldwide popularity due to the pandemic.

Cloud-based providers that provide scalable solutions for their customers are gaining popularity. The cost, convenience and reliability of cloud solutions make them attractive. People and companies will move away from older methods of computing to embrace this new delivery method.

The Work-From-Home Revolution

It is amazing how a global pandemic has turned our lives around and influenced technological innovation and development. It’s not surprising, since warfare spurs even more technological advancements. We are now arguably at war against this deadly contagion.

Companies need to be able to work from home in these difficult times to survive. The advancements in technology make it possible to work from home, which is a viable and efficient option.

It doesn’t have to be “all or nothing”. Employers can work from home, but still have to be present in the workplace one or two days per week.

The business can save money by having employees who work remotely. This allows for flexibility and cost savings. It is easy to work remotely, as demonstrated by the COVID-19 case. After the pandemic, will more companies adopt this option to save money? Is this the end of modern office space?

Voice-Activated Searches

Is this the end of the user sitting on their phone or laptop trying to search Google? Voice-activated searches are becoming more popular as users ask their phones for information about nearby pizza places or find deals on novelty face masks.

Digital marketers will need to reconsider their approach to search engine optimization (SEO) as more people voice-activate searches from their cars, jogging tracks, or local cafes. Instead of focusing on a handful of keywords, marketers will need to focus more on long-tail keywords.

Digital marketers will have some exciting days ahead.

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